October 9, 2012
Deliverables from Phase 3 now available

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June 6, 2012
Pre-conference presentations available on seminar page!

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February 21, 2012
Tivit Future Internet pre-conference @ 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet, 30.5.2012

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Events - December 18, 2009

EU - Finland workshop on Future Internet

EU-workshop 7.12.2009 kokosi yhteen Future Internet -alueen Suomen toimijat keskustelemaan EU:n uusista aloitteista ohjelman tutkimusalueella.

Komission edustajat Bernard Barani ja Peter Fatelnig esittelivät tulevaisuuden internetin toimintasuunnitelmaa ja tavoitteita joulukuussa Suomessa Tekesin ja Dimesin (Digital Media Service Innovations) järjestämässä workshopissa.


EU - Finland Workshop on Future Internet -tilaisuuden esitykset (7.12.2009)


Press release - October 14, 2009

Komissio esitteli tulevaisuuden internet -strategiaa

Euroopan komission tietoyhteiskunnan ja median pääosasto on päättänyt panostaa tulevaisuuden internetin (Future Internet) tutkimusalueelle 300 miljoonaa euroa seuraavan kolmen vuoden aikana.  

Lokakuussa julkaistun tiedonannon mukaan komissio aikoo rahoittaa summalla teollisuusvetoisen Future Internet -sektorin ja julkisten toimijoiden yhteistyötä. 

Suomalaisten osuus tulevaisuuden internetin kehittämisessä on merkittävä. Tieto- ja viestintäteollisuuden ja palveluiden strategisen huippuosaamisen keskittymän Future Internet -tutkimusohjelman lisäksi muutkin keskittymän ohjelmat ovat tukeneet vahvasti komissiossa tehtäviä linjauksia. Järjestetyn keskustelutilaisuuden tavoitteena oli antaa palautetta ja sisältöä komission tulevaisuuden internet -aihepiiriä koskevalle strategialle.

Komissio valmistelee parhaillaan myös tutkimuksen seitsemännen puiteohjelman ICT-aihealueen työohjelmaa vuosille 2011-2013. Myös vuonna 2014 alkavan kahdeksannen puiteohjelman suuntaviivojen suunnittelu on alkanut.


Euroopan komission The Future of the Internet -nettisivut


News - September 9, 2009

FI SHOK presentation in NORDUnet Conference

Future Internet Programme Academic Coordinator, Professor Jukka Manner presented the programme at the 25th NORDUnet Conference on September 16-18, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

On basis of the FI programme work, Manner's presentation "Aging out and replacing current networks - Some visions from the Finnish Future Internet Research Programme" focused on ways how the current networks can best be utilized in building the future of the Internet.

The NORDUnet conference series is hosted by NORDUnet in collaboration with the National Research and Education Networks of the Nordic countries and Nordic science infrastructure organizations.

For more information, contact:
Jukka Manner, TKK


Events - June 12, 2009


ICT SHOK Future Internet Phase 2 Kick-off took place on Tuesday 16.6.2009, at 12:15 - 22:00 in Tuusula. The event was intended for all research participants and covering all work packages and cross-issue areas.


Events - March 12, 2009


The main outcomes of the first year of TIVIT's ICT SHOK projects will be presented and the new strategic plan will be released. The seminar will be held at Dipoli, Espoo at 12-16.

Events - Espoo February 13, 2009


The General Assembly of the programme convened on Friday February 13th, 2009 in Espoo. The main topic of the meeting was to discuss the next phase plan of the program (1.6.2009 - 31.12.2010), which is planned to be delivered to Tekes by the end of March.

For more info contact:
Focus area director Reijo Juvonen


Events - Madrid December 9, 2009

FI SHOK presented in FIA, Madrid

TIVIT CEO Reijo Paajanen presented the Finnish national initiative on Future Internet in Future Internet Assembly in Madrid December 9, 2008.

The Assembly is structured to permit open interactions and cross-fertilization across technical domains, reaching out to whoever has talent. The outcomes are common deliverables creating value for the projects concerned, and a European joint strategic research agenda regarding common actions and requirements.

With over 200 delegates, it brings together the European partners active in the area of Future Internet.

In his FIA talk, TIVIT CEO Reijo Paajanen presented the innovative national environment of Finland and the initiative for Future Internet programme within the ICT SHOK.

>> Presentation by Reijo Paajanen, CEO of TIVIT: "Future Internet in the ICT SHOK initiative"

For more information, contact:
Reijo Paajanen, CEO, Tivit Oy


Events - December 4, 2008

Future Internet @ TIVIT Foresight seminar

How do we take care of the leading ICT competence in Finland during the next 5 or 15 years? What are the most important technologies and issues to be studied and developed to business to strengthen our global position in ICT industry? Where we can be the global leader and make breakthroughs?  

Tivit Foresight seminar collects the best experts and knowledge to answer these questions and to initiate actions to overcome these challenges.

Area Director Reijo Juvonen, NSN, presented Future internet initiative as part of the programme.

>> see presentation by Reijo Juvonen, NSN (pdf)
>> Tivit Foresight seminars
>> Tivit Oy

For more information, contact:
Area Director Reijo Juvonen, NSN

CEO Reijo Paajanen, Tivit Oy


Press Release - Helsinki November 10, 2008

FI SHOK presented in Telecom Forum

FI SHOK Area Director Reijo Juvonen from NSN gave a presentation on the research programme entitled "Towards Future Internet" in Telecom Forum at TKK on November 4, 2008.

Telecommunications Forum is a studia generalia course hosted by the Department of Communication and Networking Technology (ComNet). The course handles hot topics in Internet and wireless information technology.The guest speakers are leaders in their fields, scientists, innovators, and business and technology officers in their companies.

>> Telecom Forum seminar pages
>> "Towards Future Internet" (slides)

For more information, contact:
Reijo Juvonen, Focus Area Director


Lehdistötiedote - Helsinki Marraskuu 3, 2008

Future Internet ohjelmassa yhteistyötä Kaliforniaan

Tekes uutisoi yhteistyöstä ICSIn (International Computer Science Institute) kanssa.

>> Lue kirjoitus "Suomi entistä vahvemmin ICT-tutkimuksen huipulla"


Lehdistötiedote - Helsinki Marraskuu 1, 2008

FI SHOK Prosessori -lehden erikoisnumerossa "ProTeknologia 2008"

FI SHOKin ohjelmajohtaja Reijo Juvonen, NSN ja akateeminen koordinaattori, professori Jukka Manner, TKK, ovat kirjoittaneet esittelyn FI SHOK -ohjelmasta Prosessori -lehden erikoisnumeroon "ProTeknologia 2008".

>>lue artikkeli "ICT SHOK etsii ratkaisuja - Netin tulevaisuus askarruttaa" (pdf)

Reijo Juvonen
Nokia Siemens Networks


Press Release - Helsinki October 10, 2008

Two doctoral dissertations in FI SHOK in November

M.Sc. Jukka Ylitalo will defend his doctoral thesis 14.11.at 12 in T2 lecture room. Title of the thesis: Secure Mobility at Multiple Granularity Levels over Heterogeneous Datacom Networks. Opponent: Dr. Bengt Ahlgren, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). Supervisor: Professor Antti Ylä-Jääski, TKK

>> Väitöstiedote (in Finnish)

M. Sc. Jouni Korhonen will defend his doctoral thesis 21.11. at 12 in Pieni Juhlasali, Helsinki University, Fabianinkatu 33. Title of the thesis: IP Mobility in Wireless Operator Networks. Opponent: Professor Petri Mähönen, RWTH Aachen, Germany. Supervisor: Professor Jussi Kangasharju, University of Helsinki.


Press Release - Helsinki September 10, 2008

FI SHOK presented at FIRE LAUNCH in Paris

Reijo Juvonen, the Future Internet Focus Area Director gave a presentation on the Finnish initiative on Future Internet at the FIRE launch in Paris, City Hall on September 10, 2008.

>> see presentation (pdf)

FIRE - the Future Internet Research and Experimentation - is a European initiative on building experimentally-driven long term research on new paradigms and advanced networking approaches for the future internet, along with interconnected testbeds on networks and services, within the "Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructures" of the ICT theme of the Cooperation Programme under FP7.

>> go to FIRE homepage


Press Release - Helsinki June 12, 2008

ICT SHOK Future Internet Programme presented at ICT Mobile Summit 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden

12 June 08 - ICT SHOK FI SRA Academic Coordinator Jukka Manner presented the Finnish national research programme on Future Internet as part of Future Internet Initiatives keynote presentations at the ICT Mobile Summit 2008 held in Stockholm 10-12 June, 2008.

See presentation slides >>


Press Release - Helsinki June 16, 2008

ICT SHOK Future Internet Programme Launched

16 June 08 - ICT SHOK Future Internet research programme has been launched. The new programme is a joint research programme of a range of leading ICT companies and Finnish research institutions and universities. The programme is exceptionally big in Finland. In first year alone there are already 50 person-years of work allocated for the project.

The aim of the project is to overcome the challenges presented by the constant growth of the Internet and the Internet research in Finland to reach the level of the top of international research. In order to reach this goal the universities, research institutes and companies are investing exceptionally large funds and human resources in the project.

The current partners include Nokia, Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, TeliaSonera and CSC – the Finnish IT center for science. Research institutes and universities currently involved are University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, Tampere Technical University, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

New partners can still enroll in the project. Small and medium-sized industrial enterprises especially are expected to join the program in the first years.

The research project seeks solutions to the obstacles currently hindering the development of the Future Internet. These problems include, for example, spam and viruses, congestion of routing, privacy, and traffic control limitations. Removing these obstacles creates the basis for the development of Future Internet as an open marketplace where new innovations and applications can flourish.

Future Internet programme is the first project to reach kick-off stage within the ICT cluster of the Finnish Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation (ICT SHOK). SHOKs are a new funding instrument by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, TEKES.

During the the formation of the current government of Finland, founding of altogether five SHOKs was decided upon - ICT SHOK is one of the five. Within the SHOKs, companies, universities and research institutes combine forces to form very large volume research projects, where Finnish know-how is taken to world class level.

For more information, contact:
Reijo Juvonen
Nokia Siemens Networks

Jukka Manner
Helsinki University of Technology


Press Release - Helsinki 16 May, 2008

Tekes Accepts Funding for the Future Internet Programme of ICT SHOK

16 May 08 - The Board of Tekes has donated first-year funding for the Future Internet (FI) programme of the Strategic Center of Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation in ICT (Finnish acronym ICT SHOK) run by Tivit Oy.

The consortium of this major national initiative consists of Ericsson, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, TeliaSonera, CSC, HIIT, Tampere University of Technology, TKK, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, and VTT.

The focus area director of the FI programme is Reijo Juvonen from Nokia Siemens Networks and the academic coordinator Professor Jukka Manner from HIIT and TKK/Comnet.

The total volume of the work planned for the first year (1 April 2008 - 31 March 2009) is some 50 person-years and is expected to grow significantly in later years.

For more information, contact:
Reijo Juvonen
Nokia Siemens Networks

Jukka Manner
Helsinki University of Technology